Tuesday, 11 May 2010

While teaching this course, I've realised that social media is an area of significant disagreement. Some people think it's changing the world while others contend that it's simply a new medium for old relationship building techniques. In the wake of the general election, many reflect that this campaign was waged mainly on old media - in the newspapers and on TV (especially with the advent of TV debates). Radio 4 commentators concluded that social media did not play the role it did in US elections because of the short time span of the UK campaigns, and the relative disengagement of UK voters. Charles Arthur's article in the media section of last week's Guardian sees more of a role for social media as people watch the debates on TV and chat online: but considering the profile of the UK's voters, he also sees that this online debate would be dominated by a certain type (apparently a more liberal one - presumably younger and more communicative than many) - with old media still being the primary means of communication for more working class and older voters. This is the kind of discussion you might like to consider when preparing your revision...

1 comment:

  1. I'm thinking... a question in the exam? There are only 3 followers of your blog soo... any hints?
